Sunday, June 13, 2010

God’s Plan

Gideon assembled his army of 32,000 men to fight, but the Lord told Gideon “You have too many warriors with you” (Judg. 7:2). Gideon was faithful in reducing his troop count as the Lord directed, and the Lord responded to Gideon: “With these three hundred men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites” (Judg. 7:7).

Many people often speak of this victory that the Lord gave to Gideon, but prior to it, Gideon had proven his faithfulness to the Lord in many less significant tasks. Gideon destroyed his father’s altar to Baal, cut down the Asherah pole, built an altar to the Lord, and sacrificed a bull as a burnt offering. We often see the results of people around us and want the same for ourselves, but what we don’t often know about is the years of faithfulness that preceded the visible result.
Are you faithful in the little things around you that the Lord has called you to do or are you just looking for the one big “moment?”

In the parable of the talents, those servants who utilized their talents well received more.
Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. — Matt. 25:21, 23

Where are you in your life? Are you living it out to the fullest or do you feel it has passed you by?

We often find ourselves asking and praying for “change,” but when we are faced with the actual possibility, can we handle it? Do we embrace it? Or are we just more comfortable living a mediocre life?

Don’t just go through the motions of prayer and sharing your “prayer request.”
Don’t disregard taking the little steps in your life because you don’t see the bigger picture.
Don’t stop believing that God has a wonderful and prosperous plan for your life.
Gideon lifted himself of the bottom of the winepress and decided to lead the fight against the Midianites. It may be time for you to climb out of the bottom of your winepress and start believing that whatever you ask, you will receive.

Gideon wanted proof that it was the Lord speaking; the Lord wants trust and obedience from us. Live each day as a gift from God, not as a sentence for unhappiness.
Your life is an occasion, rise to it.

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