Friday, February 15, 2008

Life is what we make it

How do we define happiness? Is it when someone starts smiling? beaming? laughing? Or the inner feeling of contentment and satisfaction? Someone had told me that happiness is an outward appearance and the inner one is called 'joy'. I have very little time to make sure which is which, besides I get headaches when I keep on thinking; which is why, I will plainly believe and picture happiness as this picture. One, Cedie, smiling and the other one, Uday, is laughing. But being there, I know that they are happy. And it shows not only in their faces but in their sparkling eyes.

You see, I don't believe that a person can say that he/she is happy but cannot bring him/herself to smile or laugh. Although, there are really some that can laugh and say they are happy but they are actually not. The magic is in the eyes of a person. We surely can smile even if in times of weakness and troubles, but that smile will not reach the eyes. Picture this: a still face with parted lips, that is all there is.

So next time your seatmate, friend, sibling, parent, nephew, niece, and just anybody else smile at you, look deep into the eyes and see if that smile reaches the eyes to know its sincere. If it is, that means that that person is happy to see you and be with you. If not, either there is something wrong with that person or you are that 'something wrong' in that person....

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